Christmas Decor With Kirklands

I am a sucker for Christmas Decorations, but it can get expensive when you want to go all out. I have learned buying a few pieces a year was easier and cheaper and in just a few years I had a pretty good amount of decorations! I don't limit myself to just one site or place, because I'm always looking for the most bang for my buck, I have purchased decorations for Marshall's, Target, Hobby Lobby and Kirklands. Currently, Kirklands is having their friends and family event which means 30% off your entire purchase!! I bought a couple items to add to my collection, but there was so many good things I wanted to get. Below, I listed the items I wanted and some I did buy. I broke it down into two categories but I think a lot of the outdoor items could also be used indoors as well. Happy Shopping!
Everything is linked here for your convenience! 


I also loved all their tree decorations, so I did a separate little collage for you of all those goodies, also 30% off!
