Aila's Birth Story

The day started out like any other day, my mom had just flown in the night before and we had a week until Aila's due date. My mom and I had a lot of activities planned, starting with a trip to the pool, then some shopping, and my 39 week appointment! I had felt great, uncomfortable and huge but great, so I really didn't think doing these activities would be a big deal. I woke up, was getting Tylar ready for the pool around 9 when I felt like I had peed myself. Baby had just kicked so I thought maybe it was just that. A couple minutes later, I felt the same thing and thought that it was possibly my water slowly breaking. I called my doctor and she told me to go ahead and head towards the hospital. I called Austin (who was heading to work) and told him it was time! I grabbed all my stuff and he headed home. Luckily he wasn't far away and told me in the car he had a feeling that morning that he needed to stay in the area. The drive to the hospital is about 45 minutes away so that was a little stressful but luckily I wasn't having any bad contractions. 

We made it, got checked in and were told that my water didn't break. I was honestly shocked because
I have never had any issues with leaking of any sort (later on we did find out it was a slow leak 😑). We waited for 2 hours to be admitted but were moved up to labor and delivery around noon because I was already dilated to a 4 and 80%. While in labor and delivery, my contractions continued to increase, but my doctor wasn't supposed to arrive for another 5 hours. Unfortunately, I had tested positive for strep this pregnancy so they didn't want to check me again until my doctor got there. The doctor who was on call at the time wanted to get me started on Pitocin but I was really against it. I know my body and had no trouble progressing naturally when I had Tylar so I asked to hold off. I was urged to start pitocin 2 more times (which was honestly really frustrating) but I again told them, unless it was medically necessary that I wanted to hold off until my doctor got there and if I hadn't progressed at that point then we could talk about it. My contractions weren't too bad for the first couple hours but I hadn't eaten anything besides some toast so I was pretty hungry. I remember my doctor telling me that I was able to eat before labor but nothing big, only some small snacks like nuts or almond butter just to keep my energy up. Unfortunately, the nurse majorly urged against it, which put me in a really uncomfortable spot. I had Austin go get me a muffin anyways knowing what my doctor had said and who I trusted wholeheartedly. 

At about 4:40 I finally got my epidural and my doctor arrived a few minutes later. When she came in she checked and I was dilated to a 9! We knew within the next few hours we would be meeting our girl! Just two hours later our doctor came in and I told her I thought my water had finally broke, and it had! She also said she could see her head and it was time to push! I was super excited and so ready, and in 3 pushes she was out!! When I had Tylar I only had to push 5 times so apparently I have babies super fast ha but I'm totally okay with that! Aila Therese Pirtle was born on June 20th, 2019 at 7:51 pm weighing 6lbs, 12 oz and 19.5 inches long. She was quickly laid on me and all I saw was a head full of dark hair. Austin cut the umbilical cord, she was placed up on my chest and she immediately lifted her head! Our doctor made a comment saying "Wow, she's strong, you're going to have to watch her"! At our hospital they wait to clean the baby off completely until 24 hours because of the health benefits. If you don't know what the health benefits are you can ask your doctor but here's a great article that outlines the reasons. 

After everyone had left the room, we facetimed Austin's parents and mine to see her. She looked very similar to Tylar but definitely had some of her own unique features. We went to bed a few hours later and this girl slept great! Now, when we had Tylar she cried for the first month I swear ha so this was already different for us, a baby that was calm and content? We got as good of a night sleep as you possibly can in a hospital and the next morning Austin left to go pick up my mom and Tylar to come visit. I can't even explain to you the feelings that overcame me when Tylar walked in. It felt like I hadn't seen her in days! I know that sounds so weird, but you have to think, I had never been away from Tylar until that day. She walked in with a little gift and sat on the bed with me. She took to Aila immediately and kept calling her baby. She wanted to hold her and touch her so we did a wash of her hands and let her meet her baby sister. I would be lying if I didn't say tears were rolling down my face. It was so emotional (in the best way) to see my girls together. My biggest wish for them is that they are the absolute best of friends and are always there for each other. My brother and I and my husband and his siblings are all very close so I want the same for them. Tylar stayed for a good bit knowing I wouldn't see her until I came home and it was really hard to see her go. That night I facetimed Tylar before she went to bed and it absolutely crushed me hearing her she cry out for me several times before we hung up...broke my heart. We got another pretty decent nights' sleep and then checked out the next morning around 11:00. Our 6th year anniversary was that day so we celebrated by being home together with family and of course Austin surprised me with some flowers and a sweet card. I told him I didn't want anything, being healthy and home was the best gift. 
