My Valentine.

Every year, Valentine's Day has been a day for either romantic dinner, gifts, flowers or something that shows that certain one or ones you love them. I've always been pretty lucky in the valentine department. My mom and dad always got us kids stuff, nothing over the top, but something when we came down in the morning before school started. My mom was also notorious for leaving notes in our lunches, which I still think is amazing and definitely aspire to do with my own kids. Then it was boyfriends, fiancé, husband and now father. Austin has always been super thoughtful so it's no surprise he can't help but go all out on V-day. He has always gotten me things I love or would make me smile. He is the best when it comes to the little things.

Last year was the first V-day as a family of three. Austin got us each something and I was not expecting it at all. I never do. He manages to surprise me all the time. He always has.

This Valentine's Day will be our last as a family of three and that seems totally crazy to me, but also super exciting at the same time. I can't wait to see Tylar in a new role as a big sister. Aside from having the cutest Valentine's, I also wanted to share some of our favorite books we are currently loving. Tylar has the greatest love and joy for reading which makes my heart so happy. As a teacher, I know how important reading is, so we've always read to her, even on the day we brought her home from the hospital. We've caught her several times, sitting in her room alone, looking through her books. It's definitely one of those moments I tear up instantly. I could just watch her for hours.
