Current & Content.

When I first started blogging I remember thinking it was going to be a great way to keep up with people through another outlet other than social media. I wasn't really into facebook much after my sophomore year of college and got rid of it all together during my junior year. I was majorly into journal writing and had been since I was a little girl. I loved that it was personal and didn't have to fit into some kind of mold where you had x amount of friends, comments, likes etc. I would write, doodle, cut and paste pictures of things that inspired me, wrote down song lyrics, made up my own. I did whatever I wanted to do, wrote whatever I wanted and didn't ever have to worry about how many people would approve or like what I had to say. It was just me and my creativity. I loved it.

When I started blogging, it wasn't like it is now. It wasn't overly edited photos or lavish photos posted for everyone to oo and ahh over. It wasn't a competition. Blogging was (in my mind) an online diary or journal. Some people wrote about fashion, some about family, and others about their life and whatever that entailed. I loved that. Instagram was a brand new app that most people didn't use, because sharing your life through pictures was already being done on Facebook. Fast forward, IG is an app for pretend. Allowing people to see your life through a "select" group of photos. I never really felt anxious over my social media content or that my photos or life wasn't glamorous enough to get attention. Now, you're not even considered a "good" blogger or "legit" if you don't have at least x amount of followers, likes, shares, comments or paid a certain amount. 

I have personally felt the pressure to be more or better at times. I've taken a couple breaks from blogging and social media. I've come back with more goals or more enthusiasm to connect, be present on social media and be original. But then I see photos, videos and more and more people that have a "better life" than me. A better house, cuter clothes, more travel experiences etc. I make myself mad that I even give a shit because you and I both know you only see what people want you to see! Everyone lives different lives. 

So, here I am writing this to be personal and present in the ways I want to be. Social media is currently apart of my life. I make money using it. I enjoy using it for blogging. I love to blog. I may not be the blogger that has new clothes every 5 seconds, gets sponsored vacations, has the best photos or amazing tutorials but I love what I do and what I post. I won't ever work with a brand or post something I don't believe in. I post what my life is, because it's perfect to me. Not every day is sunshine and rainbows, but most days and moments are. I laugh and smile all the time, even though it's not posted online. I go out with friends, eat at good restaurants and wear cute clothes that I love--even though I don't always post about it online.

Don't get me wrong, I don't post as much as I want to, but I'm also not going to beat myself up over it. I want followers who like me for me; even if that's just one photo a week, the same photo location for the next 5 looks and a lot of photos of my kid--soon to be kids. Follow me because you like what I wear when I post it, my fierce personality and my honesty because I will probably never be the person who travels around the world, has the most pinterest worthy home or is swimming in designer clothing. I wear what I like and can afford because let's face it. At the end of the day, I spend most of my money on food I like, things for my daughter and bills. Lot's of bills lol.
