Baby #2.

Hey guys! I feel like it's been soooo long since I've been on here or even been able to post on the gram. This pregnancy has been a little rough. Well, it could be always worse, but compared to my pregnancy with Tylar this one has been tough. Before I get into that, I wanted to tell you guys how we found out, told family and why I've been so MIA. We knew we wanted to have more than one kid before we even got pregnant with Tylar, so it was never a question when we had her that we would eventually try for another. When Tylar turned a year old, I was ready to be pregnant again. We both knew we wanted our kids to be close in age because both of us are months apart from our brothers. We knew having kids close in age would be double the diapers and double the work but in the end you have kids that are more like best friends and not just siblings. At least that's how it is for us.

In my mind I didn't think we would get pregnant right away even though everyone had told us "your body will know what to do next time and it will happen so fast so be careful". Ya, that wasn't us. We had stopped preventing when she was about 8 months old and it didn't happen month after month. So, when Tylar was almost a year, I had bought some ovulation tests because we had success with them when trying for Tylar. We used them and the next month we were pregnant! I remember being late but that had happened before and I wasn't really sure if my cycle had regulated yet from being done nursing Tylar. So, I waited a few more days and took it right before I went for my 2 mile walk. Austin was leaving that day for a Michigan game so he went with me on my walk. When we got back I had totally forgot about the test for a minute. I went in the bathroom to find a positive test, but it was a cheap-o one so it wasn't overly clear. I walked into the kitchen and held it up to Austin saying "I think I might be pregnant?" to which he responded "what do you mean you think"? I showed him the test and explained it wasn't an expensive one so I wasn't sure. He of course was like "take an expensive one then"!! 5 minutes later and another positive! We couldn't believe it! I immediately starting thinking how I would tell our family. With Tylar I recorded everyone's reactions and created a video as a keepsake. I've only shared it with family since it's such an emotional video. This time, I put Tylar in a shirt that said BIG SISTER and had her walk out when our family was here for Thanksgiving break. We did the same thing for Austin's family, just via facetime. Thank goodness for facetime!

This pregnancy has already been so different. I had morning sickness this time around, but luckily mainly only at night. I had a few days where I wasn't myself all day and ate some food that ended up being a two bite meal and was immediately trashed. I was never like that with Tylar. I had THE easiest pregnancy. I was never sick, not overly tired, and had no food aversions. This time has not been like that...maybe it's a boy? haha. Along with the first trimester sickness was majoooorrr tiredness. It probably doesn't help that I have a toddler at home that leaves me zero time for resting but I tried to get it where I could. Laying down while reading with her, laying down while playing blocks, puzzles or rolling a ball back and forth. But that little butt doesn't stay seated long so it was always short lived. I knew this was all totally normal, so I just looked forward to that second trimester. 

Unfortunately, the cold season being upon us did nothing good for me. I caught cold after cold, and got a horrible stomach virus. So much for saving those sick days huh? Given all of that, I haven't had the energy to go out and post because my outfits literally have consisted of pj's as soon as I got home, hair pulled up and makeup off. I wanted so badly to go shoot looks for you. I had posts planned with things I was going to share and talk about, but day after day and week after week went by and before I knew it I was off for Holiday Break. I started to feel better and thought okay for Christmas and New Years I will have some good posts. Family came into town one after another and the same thing happened; I lost track of time and caught yet another cold!! As of today, I am feeling better--pregnancy and all, so I'm hoping this new year will bring another successful blogging year, a new healthy baby and much more! 

My New Years Resolution for the blog is to post more often, and share more of myself with you guys (even if I don't feel my best or look my best) because when it all boils down, not everyone looks like a superstar everyday and that's totally okay. I find myself following and appreciating the bloggers who are open and honest the most, so why wouldn't I do the same? 

So, to kick off's me in my everyday, not-so-fashionable attire, hair up, chipped nail polish and pj pants on. I've been taking my bump pictures at night because it's the only time I look pregnant haha. Although, I will say I definitely look more pregnant now than I did with Tylar.
