Holiday Home Decor.

With Thanksgiving this week that means the countdown to Christmas is getting more real! We typically don't start our holiday decorations until after Thanksgiving and this year we are even more anxious because we have a very active 14 month old who is into everythingggg! 

When we decorate, most of what we put out and even hang on the tree are very special pieces that have been gifted to us, passed down from generations or were from my childhood. Every item around the house during Christmas is very special and dear to my heart. That being said, I almost feel like we need to put all soft plush ornaments on the tree so she can't break them because trying to get her not to touch the tree will be a daily fight.

I thought of all the items we have and found similar items or items I am currently eyeing to purchase this year. I buy a lot of my stuff at Marshall's, Target and Hobby Lobby because they have the best deals, most unique items and are close by us. I wish we had a Nordstrom so many times, but thank goodness for online shopping! Take a look below at a mix of items I love when decorating for the holidays. All items are linked for y'all to shop!

Tree \\ Tree skirt \\ Table runner \\ Wreath \\ Garland \\ White Decorative Trees \\ Mercury Glass Tree \\ Advent Calendar \\ Stocking Holder \\ Stocking 1 \\ Stocking 2 \\ Stocking 3 \\  Fur Trim Pillow \\ Joy Pillow \\ Letter Greenery \\ Holiday Mice Male | Mice Female

In addition to the items above that make a home feel festive and personal for the holidays; there are a few other items we have at our home that are important to us. One being a nativity scene. I think it's important to remember why we are celebrating Christmas. Even though Tylar is too young to understand I want her to be able to see it every year until she is old enough to know. This was always something I grew up seeing and talking about during this time and I want my daughter to have the same experience knowing Christmas isn't just about decorating and presents. I didn't include it above because I know not everyone celebrates the same religion, but leaving it out all together isn't a true depiction of what we have in our home. On another note, I've been using oils a lot lately to make my home smell like Christmas, but I am never going to stop loving a good candle and Anthropologie will always have my heart in that department.

Another must have in our home are these AHHHmazing fuzzy blankets from Target. We have 5 of them and I plan on picking up another this year on Black Friday because unfortunately our dogs love them as much as we do, which makes for some pretty worn out and run down blankets lol. We donate the old ones to them and get ourselves some new ones to cuddle up with! Lastly, ornaments. I know some people do a whole theme and they are so pretty!! My family started the tradition when I was little to give an ornament each year. Now that I'm married and have a little one, I am keeping up with the tradition. Our tree is full of ornaments from my life starting with a "my first Christmas" baby ornament to "our first Christmas" ornament as a married couple to Tylar's "my first Christmas" ornament. Each and every one is so special. I even have ones from ornament exchange parties when I was in elementary school. Each one serves a special memory and even though it might not look Chromatic or something out of a magazine --it is beautiful to us.
