10 Things I Love...As A Mom.

Fashion Item I Love:

One piece items have always been a favorite of mine because of the sheer simplicity in creating an outfit. I mean, half the work is done because a top and bottom in one--yes please! Add in the fact that I have a 10 month old who sits still for 0.2 seconds and you've got the best creation to woman. I know the biggest dilemma with them is what unfortunately occurs when you have to use the restroom, but there are a few ways to avoid feeling totally exposed. You can wear a shirt underneath, a bralette or even bring a sweater to throw on. Below are a few of my favorites with a good price tag to go along!

Traveling Item I Love:

When it comes to traveling by car with a baby, we are pretty much experts. As many of you know; Tylar was born out of state because we had to evacuate for hurricane Irma. She has spent a lot of time in a car traveling to and from Ohio/Indiana. We're talking 24/30 hours a trip so making sure she is a happy camper is what keeps us sane ha. Tylar is pretty good unless she's hungry then it's a fit. Bottles are easy and I've totally done the whole pump while driving thing but now she's eating food and I refuse to give her things she has to chew in the car (long story). We were told about these food pouches and they have been the best thing ever! We have used them at the beach, in the car or in situations when taking out a container and a spoon is a lot more work ha. They have a ton of flavors and she loves being able to hold them herself!

A Book I Love Reading:

From the moment she was born, we promised we would make reading part of her nightly routine. As a teacher, I know how important reading is and as a mom I know reading is a great way to imagine, explore and escape for a moment. I never loved reading by myself but I love nothing more than reading to her. Our favorite books at the moment are ones she can touch and those that have lots of bright colors like "Never Touch a Monster." There are a few others from the same author that are just as simple and cute.

An App I Love:

Chatbooks is essentially the best thing for a busy mom who wants to document those unforgettable moments and create a photo book or a photo series without the whole scrapbooking time and feel. I love taking nice professional photos on my DSLR but realistically most of them are taken from my iPhone. Chatbooks makes it easy to upload my favorite pictures from my phone and create a lasting memory. You pay based on the amount of pages, so I could create a simple book from a vacation of ours or do a whole year of milestone pictures.

Nail Polish I Love:

I am a nail polish girl 100%. I love getting mani/pedis. I love the way a fresh paint feels. I love going to the grocery store and picking up a new color. I am so bad that a lot of times I come home and picked a color very similar to one I already own. 🙈BUT...I have also always been the girl that can't sit long enough for my finger nails to dry. We've all been there. UNTIL...Sally Hansen came in for the gold and developed the most amazing thing to mom life ever! Say it with me...INSTA DRI. And it works just like it says. No more smudging for this lady! By the time I am done painting my left hand, my right is dry. Thank you Sally!

A CD We Love:

Every night, we have the same routine. 1. Play in the bath and sing songs. 2. Get a warm bottle. 3. Turn on Sound Machine. 4. Turn on music. 5. Rock, Eat & Cuddle. I have about 5 CD's that we rotate through every few months but I always go back to this one. I love that it has 18 songs, so I know it's playing well after I put her down and I like that half is singing and the other half is instrumental. 

Side note, I totally had to go out and buy a CD player! I am a 90's kid who grew up listening to CD players and you were really cool to have your own but I didn't have one anymore and was honestly nervous if I would even find one! Luckily there are just as many people out there who still listen to CD's haha. This is the one we bought if you are in search of one.

A Scent I Love:

If they ever discontinue it, I'll be so upset. They have the scent in lotions, spray, body scrub, travel scents and more. It is so clean smelling, light and fresh. Plus, I am always shopping at Old Navy so I can refill while I'm waiting to checkout! Sea salt and Fig is my favorite and the one I use, but the others are just as good! My favorite part--it is the perfect size to carry around and spritz on whenever.

Hands Free Item I Love:

When you're a mom, your baby wants you all the time or at least to be where you are. That leaves getting things done without her hard. She is not the type to just sit and play--that's too easy. She also doesn't want to be stuck in her bouncer when I am in the kitchen, even though she can see me. So, insert the Joovy Walker. My life savor. Now, I can make my lunch, do laundry, sweep the house etc and she can follow me around where ever I go and it doesn't require my hands or body haha. Yes, it is pricy for a walker, but it is the top rated and for good reason! It comes practically put together, is super sturdy, washable, and collapses flat in order to make it easy to store. 

Summer Item I Love:

Many of you know we live down south. The southern most tip of SC, practically in GA so it's hotter than heck during the summer and the humidity makes it almost unenjoyable unless you're at the beach or pool. However, there are a lot of places where being in water isn't an option. Enter the best summer baby product that I love. This clip on fan from Amazon is not only nice for it's purpose, it clips onto chairs, strollers and carseats, it's blades are foam so they don't hurt baby when they grab it and stick their hands or feet or face? into it like my munchkin does ha, comes in 8 different colors AND if that wasn't enough reasons to love it--it's also under $20. We have gotten a lot of use out of it, even set it on the table before when eating outside at a restaurant.

Most Used/Loved Product:

My Copper Pearl 5 - in -1 cover. I can't talk about this item enough because I use it daily and the material could not be softer! Out of all the baby items I have, this is the one I personally use the most. I started using this cover when I first had her to cover her carseat when we were out in public because germs! Then, I used it to nurse and be covered. Now I use it to cover shopping carts when she sits in them and high chairs when we are out to eat. I would recommend this item to any mom out there. PLUS, anytime I can support a small shop, I will.
